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nflectra is indicated for treatment of moderate to severe plaque
psoriasis in adult patients who failed to respond to, or who have a
ontraindication to, or are intolerant to other systemic therapy including
yclosporine, methotrexate or psoralen ultra-violet A (PUVA).
Filgrastim is indicated for the reduction in the duration of neutropenia
and the incidence of febrile neutropenia in patients treated with
stablished cytotoxic chemotherapy for malignancy (with the exception
f chronic myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndromes) and for
he reduction in the duration of neutropenia in patients undergoing
myeloablative therapy followed by bone-marrow transplantation
onsidered to be at increased risk of prolonged severe neutropenia.
The safety and efficacy of filgrastim are similar in adults and children
eceiving cytotoxic chemotherapy.
Filgrastim is indicated for the mobilisation of peripheral blood
progenitor cells (PBPCs).
n patients, children or adults, with severe congenital, cyclic, or
diopathic neutropenia with an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 0.5 x
109/l and a history of severe or recurrent infections, long-term
administration of filgrastim is indicated to increase neutrophil counts
and to reduce the incidence and duration of infection-related events.
Filgrastim is indicated for the treatment of persistent neutropenia (ANC
1.0 x 109/l) in patients with advanced HIV infection, in order to reduce
he risk of bacterial infections when other options to manage
neutropenia are inappropriate.
nfants, children and adolescents
Growth disturbance due to insufficient secretion of growth hormone
Growth disturbance associated with Turner syndrome.
Growth disturbance associated with chronic renal insufficiency.
Growth disturbance (current height standard-deviation score (SDS) -2.5

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